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How To Prepare For A Chemical Peel

How To Prepare For A Chemical Peel

Receiving a chemical peel can be a nerve-wracking process, especially if you’ve never had one before.

Like many aesthetic treatments, ‘chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin, and scars’ typically on the face.

While the results of chemical peels can appear magical, there are many things you can do to ensure you have the best results following your chemical peel.

So, how do you prepare for a chemical peel?

In this guide, we’ll cover the steps you can take to prepare for your chemical peel so you feel confident attending your treatment. 

To prepare for a chemical peel, you will need to:

  1. Make sure you wear daily SPF and avoid the sun when possible 
  2. Refrain from exfoliating 
  3. Avoid using makeup for a few days before your treatment 
  4. Pause retinol for a week 
  5. Ensure you’re hydrated before your treatment
  6. Consult your aesthetic practitioner  

1. Make Sure You Wear Daily SPF & Avoid The Sun When Possible 

To prepare for your chemical peel, you’ll need to make sure you wear daily SPF and avoid the sun where possible.

This is because the sun’s harmful rays can cause permanent pigmentation in treated areas.

Bearing this in mind, your daily SPF should be a minimum of factor 30 or higher, but factor 50 covers all bases even on a cloudy day.

When spending time outside, make sure that you have a sunhat with you to protect your face.

How to prepare for a chemical peel

Like many aesthetic treatments, ‘chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin, and scars’ typically on the face.

2. Refrain From Exfoliating

The next way to prepare for your appointment is to refrain from exfoliating your face. 

Exfoliating is a part of many people’s skincare routines, but as a chemical peel is a form of ‘higher strength skin exfoliant’, you should stop at least a week before your treatment.  

This will help you to avoid unwanted irritation and over-exfoliating your skin.

That said, you can cleanse and moisturise your skin as normal. 

3. Avoid Using Makeup For A Few Days Before Your Treatment 

The next tip to prepare for your chemical peel is to avoid using makeup for a few days before your treatment.

This simply comes down to the fact you want your skin to be as clean as possible beforehand, so leading up to your treatment is the perfect time to give your skin a little detox.

While this might be easier said than done, you don’t want makeup clogging your pores before your chemical peel. 

prepare for a chemical peel

Exfoliating is a part of many people’s skincare routines, but as a chemical peel is a form of ‘higher strength skin exfoliant’, you should stop at least a week before your treatment.  

4. Pause Retinol For A Week 

You should also pause retinol for at least a week before your aesthetic treatment

This comes down to the fact that retinol is designed to promote cell turnover, meaning it can lead to dry and flaky skin.

As you want your skin to be as hydrated as possible, it’s best to pause retinol for a week before unless your aesthetic practitioner advises you otherwise.

5. Ensure You’re Hydrated Before Your Treatment 

To prepare for your chemical peel, you’ll also need to ensure you’re hydrated before your treatment.

This means you should be upping your water intake days ahead of your appointment.

If you’re someone who struggles to drink enough water throughout the day, get a water bottle that will help you track exactly how much water you’ve drunk to stay on top of your water intake.

Additionally, you should avoid using any skincare products that could potentially dry out your skin.

Tips to prepare for a chemical peel

Your aesthetic practitioner knows best, and they’re the most important person to consult with to find out which products are required to prepare for your chemical peel.

6. Consult Your Aesthetic Practitioner  

Last, but not least, you should always consult your aesthetic practitioner. 

This is an important step as some chemical peels require prepping with hydroquinone products, for instance, to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Consult your aesthetic practitioner to find out which products are required to prepare for your chemical peel. They’ll be able to advise you on anything you’re unsure of beforehand and will also provide you with aftercare advice, so do not hesitate to ask.

So, there you have it. We hope that after reading this article, you know how to prepare for a chemical peel and feel confident to go to your treatment. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.
September 28, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How Often Should You Top Up Botox?

How Often Should You Top Up Botox?

If you’ve recently had botox or are thinking of starting your botox journey, you might be wondering how often it will need to be topped up.

In short, how often you should top up botox depends on a whole range of factors, such as the severity of your wrinkles, your age, the treatment area and your metabolism. That said, the average time frame for Botox efficacy is around 4 months, and after that time period, it’s likely that you’ll start to see your original facial lines begin to re-form. For this reason, many people like to top up botox every 3-4 months. 

Factors That Influence the Frequency of Botox Injections

While the general rule of thumb is that botox should be topped up every 3-4 months, there are a number of factors that can influence how often you should get the top up. 

Factors influencing the frequency of botox injections include: 

  1. Age
  2. Treatment area
  3. Personal response to botox
  4. Dosage and quality of injector
  5. Health and lifestyle factors

1. Age

Age is a big contributor when it comes to how often you should get a botox top up. Factors like skin hydration, elasticity, and overall skin health can impact how long Botox lasts. For this reason, younger people with more resilience and elasticity in their skin are likely to need less frequent top-ups. 

Additionally, older people often have deeper wrinkles and more significant volume loss, which will require more frequent botox treatments to achieve the desired ‘wrinkle-free’ results. As younger people in their 20’s/30’s will have milder wrinkles, they won’t need as many treatments to maintain a youthful look. 

How Often Should You Top Up Botox?

Botox also tends to last longer in younger individuals due to their more robust skin support structures, resulting in less frequent treatments.

That said, if you’re in your twenties and using botox as a preventative measure, you might want to top up your botox treatment every 3 months to ensure maximum results. 

2. Treatment Area

Another factor that can influence how often you need a botox top up is the treatment area. For example, areas with more daily movement, like the crow’s feet (around the eyes) or forehead expression lines might require more frequent treatments, compared to other areas that aren’t used as much, such as the neck or jawline. 

The strength and activity of your facial muscles also contributes to the frequency of botox injections. Stronger muscles may cause the effects of Botox to wear off faster because the strength of the muscles directly influences how the body processes and metabolises botox, resulting in more frequent treatments needed. 

This brings us nicely onto our third point…

3. Personal Response to Botox

Each person's metabolism and muscle strength vary, so the rate at which Botox wears off can differ from person to person. Some people have naturally stronger facial muscles, leading to faster Botox breakdown and a shorter duration of effect. Others, however, have a slower metabolism and weaker facial muscle strength, meaning that they’ll see longer effects of botox.


How Often Should You Top Up Botox?The history of your previous botox treatments, including how well you responded and how long the effects lasted, will also influence the frequency of future treatments. 


With regular botox injection treatments, muscles basically learn to remain relaxed. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in muscle activity even when the effects of Botox wear off. Muscle memory may therefore result in longer-lasting effects and potentially extend the time between Botox treatments. 

4. Dosage and Quality of Injector

The dosage of Botox administered and the technique used by the healthcare professional can significantly influence how long the effects last. For example, a high initial dose will likely result in tougher, longer-lasting results, meaning patients will have a longer interval between top ups.

How Often Should You Top Up Botox?
As time goes on, aesthetic practitioners should customise the amount of botox used based on the individual's response to the treatment and muscle dynamics.


The quality of the injector is equally important when it comes to the frequency top ups, as a fully qualified, well-trained practitioner understands facial anatomy and correct injection techniques, allowing for correct dosing and placement of the botox, leading to better and longer-lasting results.

While botox is completely safe when carried out correctly, it does come with its own risks. This is why selecting a reliable, trained and fully qualified aesthetic practitioner is crucial to ensure you’re in safe hands.

5. Health & Lifestyle Factors

Finally, general health and lifestyle factors can have a real influence on how long the effects of botox lasts. This includes things like smoking, skin health, exercise, diet and even stress levels! Let’s look at these in a little more detail:

  • Smoking - While smoking won’t immediately reverse the benefits of botox, studies show it will have an adverse effect over time. Smoking also accelerates the ageing process, contributing to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Skin health - Well looked after skin, such as keeping it hydrated and well-moisturised, tends to respond much better to botox injections, and in some cases extends the duration of its effects. 
  • Exercise - Regular exercise improves blood circulation, which can help to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone.

  • Stress levels - High stress levels can lead to increased muscle tension and facial expressions, that could contribute to the development of frown lines and general facial wrinkles.

Tips for Making Botox Last Longer

Although there’s no magic formula for making your botox last longer, there are certainly a number of things you can do to help. 

  • Pack on the moisturiser - The effects of botox will last much longer if you take care of your skin by moisturising in both the morning and at night. Moisturising will help the treated areas remain plump and wrinkle-free.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 12 hours - This is because strenuous exercise can actually cause the botox to spread to other parts of your face, therefore reducing the benefits of your aesthetic treatment.

  • Avoid sunlight for the first 2 days - UV light exposure causes inflammation at the cellular level, not only causing damage to your skin but also results in dilated blood vessels, which can shorten the lifespan of your botox treatment. To maintain your results for longer, use a high-quality, broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen on your face.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and blood-thinning medications 48 hours before your appointment - Alcohol and caffeine can act as blood thinners, meaning they hinder the normal clotting process and could increase bleeding and bruising. Discover more ways you can prepare for your botox appointment here.
How Often Should You Top Up Botox?

For more tips on how to look after yourself following a botox treatment, check out our blog on ‘tips for botox aftercare’ here. 


If you’re interested in our botulinum toxin training courses, or any of our other aesthetics training courses, be sure to get in touch with a member of our team today. Discover how to become a botox injector in the UK here. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Are you interested in training in the aesthetics industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses today! 

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.
September 27, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How To Prepare for Dermaplaning

How To Prepare for Dermaplaning

If you’re thinking about having your first dermaplaning treatment, there are a number of things you need to know prior to the appointment, such as how to prepare your skin, how to look after your skin after the appointment and how to make the effects of dermaplaning last longer.

But before we reel off our top tips for preparing your skin for dermaplaning, let’s take a deeper look at what it is exactly and why it’s beneficial for your skin. 

What Is a Dermaplane Treatment?

A dermaplaning treatment is a cosmetic procedure that involves exfoliating the outermost layer of skin using a specialised scalpel. The treatment is carried out to achieve smoother, brighter skin and typically performed by trained practitioners, such as licensed aestheticians, dermatologists or medical professionals.

Why Dermaplaning Is Good for Your Skin

There are a number of benefits of dermaplaning, but the main reason why it’s good for your skin is that it reveals fresh, youthful skin underneath the layer of dead skin cells. The treatment can therefore give the skin a smoother texture, improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and create an overall more even complexion.

How To Prepare for DermaplaningDermaplaning also removes any fine facial hair (also known as "peach fuzz") that may be present on your face.


Here's a 5 step guide for how to prepare for dermaplaning:

  1. Choose a qualified dermaplaning practitioner
  2. Go for a consultation
  3. Avoid sun exposure
  4. Avoid harsh skin care products & hair removal
  5. Cleanse & arrive makeup-free

1. Choose a Qualified Dermaplaning Practitioner

The first step in preparing your skin for dermaplaning is to do your research and choose a qualified dermaplaning practitioner to carry out the procedure for you. 

Here are some things you should consider when choosing the best dermaplaning practitioner for you:

  • Qualifications and training - Research the practitioner's qualifications and training by looking at their certifications and licences, for example, check to see if they have completed an accredited dermaplaning course
  • Testimonials - One of the best ways to determine how good a practitioner is, is to read past customer testimonials and see how they found their experience.
  • Before and after pictures - Like any aesthetic procedure, it’s a good idea to see some before-and-after photos of previous clients who have undergone dermaplaning with the practitioner. This will give you an idea of the results you can expect.
  • Avoid groupon-type discounts - Be weary of heavily discounted deals or promotions that seem too good to be true. Price generally represents quality, so if a treatment seems super cheap, chances are there’s a reason for it. 

Can You Do Dermaplaning Yourself?

While it is possible to do dermaplaning yourself at home, it is generally recommended to have the procedure performed by a qualified professional. 

This is because dermaplaning involves using a sharp scalpel or specialised tool, and performing it incorrectly or with the incorrect tools can lead to cuts, irritation and even infection, especially if you're not familiar with the proper technique. 

How To Prepare for DermaplaningThe wrong dermaplaning technique might also result in scarring and hyperpigmentation, so it’s highly recommended that you only get it done by a dermaplaning professional who has been trained to minimise these risks.
If training in dermaplaning sounds like something you’re interested in, you’re in the right place! Learn more about our dermaplaning training courses here and book onto our next class. 

2. Go for a Consultation

Once you’ve chosen a qualified practitioner, it’s important that you book in a consultation prior to the treatment so that you can discuss any skin concerns, medical conditions, or medications you're currently taking. This discussion will help the practitioner identify if the treatment is suitable for your skin type and its current condition.

During this consultation, the practitioner will also talk through the dermaplaning process with you to ensure you fully understand what is involved, what to expect and advice on dermaplaning aftercare.

3. Avoid Sun Exposure

It's recommended to avoid excessive sun exposurefor a few days before the treatment, as sunburnt or newly tanned skin is going to be sensitive and might increase the risk of irritation during dermaplaning. Remember that dermaplaning involves manually exfoliating the skin's surface, so sensitive skin is going to be much more prone to irritation and redness during the procedure.

Also, after a dermaplaning treatment, your skin needs time to recover and heal. Sunburnt skin can however be more vulnerable to damage and may not respond well to the recommended aftercare.


How To Prepare for Dermaplaning
To protect your skin from the sun, you can: wear a wide-brimmed hat, stay in the shade between 11am-3pm, apply sunscreen even on cloudy days and use a sun umbrella.

4. Avoid Harsh Skin Care Products & Hair Removal

Another thing to avoid prior to your dermaplaning treatment is harsh exfoliating skincare products, like chemical peels or strong scrubs. Refrain from using these for at least a week before your dermaplaning session as they can make your skin more sensitive and therefore irritated.

In addition to harsh products, you should also avoid getting any hair removal treatments on your skin. For example, refrain from waxing, threading, or using depilatory creams on the areas you plan to have dermaplaning. This is because these hair removal methods can irritate the skin, and you want to give your skin the best possible chance to recover.

5. Cleanse & Arrive Makeup-Free

On the day of your treatment, make sure your skin is prepped and clean by doing a thorough cleanse your skin using a gentle cleanser. Make sure your skin is free of makeup, oils, and dirt to ensure the best possible results.

Don’t arrive at your treatment with a face full of makeup. If you wear makeup, your practitioner will need to remove it before beginning the procedure, as it can create a barrier between the skin and the dermaplaning tool. Having a clean makeup-free face also reduces the risk of introducing contaminants into the skin and causing potential infections.

It’s also important to note that, if you have areas of active acne, it's best to wait until they have healed before getting dermaplaning, as the treatment can irritate the skin and aggravate spots. 

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of how to prepare for your dermaplaning appointment.

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the cosmetic industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management and Dermaplaning Training Courses.

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.


Published on 08/21/2023

Updated on 01/30/2024

August 21, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How To Become a Botox Injector in the UK

How To Become a Botox Injector in the UK

The global aesthetic injectables industry is growing rapidly and is set to be worth an astonishing $35.7 billion USD by the end of 2030. For medical professionals like doctors, dentists and nurses, this thriving field offers a super attractive new career choice that is challenging, rewarding and in high demand. Discover more benefits of becoming an aesthetics practitioner here. 

So, if you’re wondering how to become a botox injector, you’re in the right place.

Here are the typical steps to becoming a botox injector in the United Kingdom:

  1. Medical qualification 
  2. Specialised botox training
  3. Obtain hands on experience
  4. Insurance and registration
  5. Compliance with regulations
  6. Apply as a practitioner & build client base 

1. Medical Qualification 

In order to administer Botox injections here in the UK, you must first hold a medical or nursing qualification. Only registered medical professionals, such as doctors, dentists, and prescribing nurses, are authorised to administer Botox injections, so it’s essential that you obtain one of these medical qualifications to start the process of becoming a botox injector.

Non-medical professionals, such as beauticians, therapists, and other non-prescribing individuals, are not legally allowed to inject Botox in the UK, and administering it without the appropriate qualifications can result in serious legal and ethical consequences.

2. Specialised Botox Training

After obtaining the relevant medical or nursing qualification, aspiring Botox injectors must undergo a Botulinum Toxin Training Course.

Training courses are provided by reputable organisations and trainers who are qualified in cosmetic injectables. Here are some key things to consider when choosing the right botox training course:

  • Customer reviews - Reviews are a great way to help you decide whether or not a training course is worth your time, as they are a non-biased reflection of the course and past customer’s true opinion of it. Look at reviews on their website, Google My Business & social media pages like Facebbok and Instagram. Any quality course provider will show their testimonials.
  • Look at the qualifications of those who will be training you - Choose a course run by trainers who are highly-qualified practitioners and experts in the field of cosmetic injectables. All of our trainers here at the You Can Clinic have at least 10 years experience in the aesthetic arena and have trained over 1000 healthcare professionals in aesthetic procedures.
  • Look at the course content - Make sure you do your research on the course content to fully understand what you’ll be learning. 
How To Become a Botox Injector in the UK

What Happens During a Botox Training Course?

During a Botox training course, students learn the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and effectively administer Botox injections. The training itself aims to provide a complete understanding of Botox procedures, facial anatomy, patient assessment, injection techniques, and potential complications of the procedure.

After completing the training and demonstrating proficiency, successful students will receive a certificate of completion, indicating their qualification to perform Botox injections.

At Youcan Clinic, our botulinum toxin course will teach you how to treat the 3 common areas in the upper face - the glabellar area, forehead & crow's feet. Our starter course is the most popular, having trained over 1000 practitioners since its inception and is a great starting point for the budding aesthetic practitioner.

3. Obtain Hands on Experience 

Practical experience is absolutely crucial for healthcare professionals becoming a skilled Botox injector. So, after completing the training and obtaining all of the necessary qualifications, individuals should gain some hands-on experience by assisting or working under the supervision of experienced botox practitioners. This supervised experience allows them to develop their injectable skills, understand patient facial assessment, and learn how to properly manage potential complications if they arise.

Here are some top ways to gain hands-on experience:

  • Assisting experienced botox practitioners: Many medical aesthetics clinics and practices may be open to having qualified professionals observe and assist during procedures.
  • Preceptorships or Apprenticeships: Some advanced Botox training programs may offer preceptorships or apprenticeships, where participants have the opportunity to work alongside experienced injectors to gain hands-on experience.
  • Model Programs: Some training providers or clinics may offer model programs where you can practise Botox injections on willing individuals who receive treatments at a discounted rate or for free. 

4. Insurance and Registration

Before offering Botox injections independently, Botox injectors must obtain professional liability insurance and registration in order to practise legally and responsibly. 

  • Professional liability insurance - This is crucial for Botox injectors to protect themselves and their patients in case of any adverse reactions, complications, or legal claims. Even practitioners with the best care and skill, unexpected reactions or complications do occur, and having the correct insurance in place provides financial protection and peace of mind.
How To Become a Botox Injector in the UKThis process of registration ensures that botox injectors meet specific educational and ethical standards, ensuring patient safety and competence in their practice.

This brings us nicely onto our next point…

5. Compliance with Regulations

As a Botox injector, it’s essential that you abide by relevant regulations and guidelines governing the practice of aesthetic procedures. The primary concern when administering Botox injections or any other medical procedure is patient safety, and complete compliance with regulations ensures that the Botox injector has the necessary qualifications, training, and experience to perform the procedure safely and effectively, minimising the risk of adverse effects or complications.

Failing to comply with regulations can result in serious legal consequences, fines, penalties, and legal actions. It also might result in the loss of licences, certifications, or registration to practise.

6. Apply as a Practitioner & Build Client Base

The last step to becoming a botox injector is to apply as a practitioner and begin building your client base! Start by building a CV that showcases your extensive knowledge and new skills, and apply for relevant positions. Once you've got your foot in the door, you can start to build strong relationships with your clients and build up your client base.

How To Become a Botox Injector in the UKWhen building your client base, remember to take lots of before and after photos, collect testimonials and market yourself as much as you can.


And there we have it! We hope that this article has helped you understand the process of becoming a botox injector in the UK. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Need to buy some products? We have a range of products, including NeoStrata Enlighten Pigment Lightening Gel, Stylage Hydro, and Neostrata Restore Redness Neutralising Serum available to order. 

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, and Eyebrow and Eyelash Training Courses. 

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.

August 07, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
5 Things to Consider Before Getting Lip Fillers

5 Things to Consider Before Getting Lip Fillers

Updated on 01/30/2024

Lip fillers have significantly grown in popularity over the recent years due to the increased use of social media, promotion from celebrities and an overall desire to look physically attractive. In fact, according to Grand View Research, ‘the global lip augmentation market size was estimated at USD 6.4 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at an annual growth rate of 7.8% from 2023 to 2030’. 

While it is a super popular treatment across the world, it is still a medical procedure with its own risks, and there are therefore a handful of things that must be considered before going ahead with it. 

Here are 5 things you should carefully consider before going ahead with lip fillers:

  1. Understand the ins and outs of the procedure
  2. Research and choose a qualified practitioner
  3. Consider the downtime and recovery period
  4. Consider the cost and maintenance
  5. Think about alternative options

1. Understand The Ins & Outs Of The Procedure 

Before booking the appointment or even researching a practitioner, you must fully understand everything about the procedure - the ins & outs of the process, possible risks, the types of filler being used, and just simply what to expect at the appointment. 

So, What Are Lip Fillers & What Is The Injection Procedure Like?

In short, lip fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are cosmetic substances that are injected into the lips to increase their size, enhance their shape, and create an overall plumper appearance. The most popular type of lip fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the body.

There are a range of hyaluronic acid fillers on the market, for example Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane, and they work by attracting and retaining water at the injection site, enhancing volume and giving the lips a fuller look. This type of filler is temporary and will slowly break down over time, typically lasting anywhere from anywhere between 6 to 18 months, depending on the specific type of product used and the individual themselves.

The procedure for getting lip fillers is pretty quick and should always be performed by a qualified medical practitioner. In most cases the practitioner will firstly apply a numbing cream to the lips to help minimise pain throughout the procedure. After about 20 minutes, the practitioner will use a fine needle or cannula to inject the filler into the lips at certain areas.

5 Things to Consider Before Getting Lip FillersThe practitioner may use a variety of techniques, such as adding volume, shaping the cupid's bow, defining the vermillion border, and balancing out lip proportions.

What Are The Risks Of Lip Fillers?

While lip fillers are generally considered a safe procedure when carried out by a professional qualified aesthetic practitioner, there are of course some risks that come with it (just like any medical procedure). 

Here are some of the typical risks you might expect from getting lip fillers:

  • Redness and bruising - The lips may feel tender after the procedure, and it’s common to experience some redness and bruising at the injection sites for one or two days after too.
  • Lumps and bumps - Sometimes, the filler might not distribute across the lips evenly, leading to the formation of small bumps. This usually doesn’t stay around for long however as long as it is massaged or corrected by the practitioner. 
  • Migration - In some rare cases, the filler may move away from the injection site, causing uneven results or changes in lip shape. This is why it is so important to choose a qualified practitioner, an appropriate filler type and a correct injection technique to help prevent migration. 

This brings us nicely onto our second point…

2. Research & Choose A Qualified Practitioner

Remember, lip filler injections are medical procedures, and must only be performed by trained aesthetic professionals who have the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out this procedure correctly and most importantly, safely.

Make sure you research a number of different lip filler practitioners, checking out their website, social media accounts, reviews, before and after pictures and qualifications/experience

5 Things to Consider Before Getting Lip Fillers

By conducting thorough research and selecting a reliable and fully qualified aesthetic practitioner, you can have total peace of mind that you’re in safe hands.

Once you have chosen a practitioner, book a consultation appointment so you can discuss your desired end result, medical history and talk through any questions or concerns you may have. 

What Happens At A Lip Filler Consultation? 

A lip filler consultation is an essential part of the lip filler process and typically starts off with the practitioner assessing your lips and evaluating the quality of your skin and the condition of your lip tissue.

They will also ask you about your desired outcome and the specific concerns you want to target, for example you might want to increase the size, enhance lip shape, define the lip border, or fix any asymmetry.

They will also run through your medical history, including any allergies, previous cosmetic procedures, medications you are currently taking, and any existing medical conditions they need to be aware of.

Once they have assessed your lips and have an idea of your medical history, the practitioner will discuss what can be realistically achieved with this procedure and whether your expectations align with the potential outcomes. 

3. Consider The Downtime & Recovery Period

Another thing you must consider is the downtime and recovery period after the procedure. 

Straight after the treatment, you may experience some immediate swelling, redness, and tenderness at the injection sites. These effects are normal and usually subside within a few hours to a day.

You can usually resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure, but it’s advised to avoid vigorous physical activities, alcohol consumption, and excessive heat for the first 24 hours.

Other things you should avoid are lipsticks and lip glosses for the first 24 hours after the treatment. It's also best to avoid very hot or spicy foods during the initial recovery period.

You should also avoid flying for two weeks following the procedure. This is because fillers need time to settle and while the cabin pressure on a flight can leave you feeling and looking swollen regardless of any treatments, this risk of swelling can increase when you have recently had lip filler. 

5 Things to Consider Before Getting Lip Fillers

For more information and aftercare advice for lip fillers, check out this blog.


4. Consider The Cost & Maintenance

Like any aesthetic procedure, lip fillers are not generally considered cheap, so it’s really important you consider the cost and think about if you can realistically afford it. Not only should you think about the initial treatment, but also any potential follow-up treatments or touch-ups that may be necessary. 

As mentioned in point 1, lip fillers are not permanent and will gradually break down overtime, so if you want long lasting effects, you might need to consider maintenance. Can you realistically afford getting this treatment done every 12-18 months?

It’s worth noting that some practitioners do however offer split payments whereby you can pay the total amount in 2 or 3 separate payments. If this is something that interests you, ensure you choose a practitioner that offers this payment method.

While it is inevitable that your body will break down filler overtime, there are a number of things you can do to prevent this happening as quickly, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing stress levels. Discover more tips for helping your lip filler last longer  here. 

5. Think About Alternative Options

While you might have your heart set on lip fillers, have you explored the other non-invasive options for lip enhancement, for example lip plumping glosses or lip liners? Make sure you’ve fully considered the other options before going ahead with this treatment.

If you have a passion for cosmetics, you might even consider training as an aesthetic practitioner yourself, whether that be in lip fillers or other areas of aesthetics such as botulinum toxin, weight management, and dermaplaning. Discover the many benefits of becoming an aesthetic nurse


You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.

July 26, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?

The simple answer to this question is - it really depends on the person. Generally speaking, the immediate results of dermaplaning, such as smoother and brighter skin, can be noticeable straight after the treatment and can typically last for about 3-4 weeks. That said, personal factors such as skin type, lifestyle & skincare routine can influence how long the effects of dermaplaning last.

It's important to note that dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation treatment, and the natural skin cell turnover process will eventually cause the benefits to diminish over time. This means that, as time goes on and new skin cells form, the skin’s surface will gradually return to its previous texture and appearance.

Yet, while there’s no magic formula for making the effects of dermaplaning last forever, there are several things that you can do to make it last that little bit longer.

To make the effects of dermaplaning last longer, consider the following tips:

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure
  2. Try not to touch your face
  3. Hydrate your skin
  4. Follow a consistent skincare routine
  5. Schedule regular dermaplaning sessions

1. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

The first and probably most important tip is to avoid excessive sun exposure, especially between the times of 10am-4pm. This is because prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, hyperpigmentation, premature ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer. This risk is heightened after this treatment as dermaplaning removes the outermost layer of the skin, which can make it more vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays. By avoiding sun exposure, you reduce the risk of reversing the benefits of dermaplaning and protect your skin from potential sun damage.

To protect your skin from UV rays, you can:

2. Try Not to Touch Your Face

After your dermaplaning treatment, really try to resist the urge to touch your face. After dermaplaning, the skin experiences a healing process as it regenerates and renews itself. Touching your face can, however, disrupt this delicate process and potentially interfere with the desired outcome of the treatment. It’s essential that you allow the skin to heal undisturbed to promote optimal skin rejuvenation.

By refraining from touching your face, you can also help to prolong the results of your dermaplaning treatment as touching can potentially disturb the vulnerable exfoliated skin, causing it to become rough or uneven.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?Keeping your hands away from your face also helps maintain the cleanliness of your skin and reduce the risk of pore blockage and breakouts.

3. Hydrate Your Skin

Keeping your skin hydrated is super important for a number of reasons after your dermaplaning treatment. 

Firstly, hydration is essential for promoting skin healing after dermaplaning. This is because the treatment can make the skin more sensitive and susceptible, so staying hydrated can help soothe and calm it. Hydrated skin is much more robust, allowing it to heal more quickly and preserve the benefits of dermaplaning.

Hydrated skin is also better able to retain moisture and dermaplaning can temporarily increase the skin's ability to absorb skincare products. By using moisturisers and serums in your skincare routine that lock in moisture, you can boost the hydration levels of your skin and extend the benefits of dermaplaning. This brings us nicely onto our next point…

4. Follow A Consistent Skincare Routine 

Following a consistent skincare routine is essential for maintaining the benefits of dermaplaning. 

While dermaplaning provides a thorough exfoliation, regular skincare is necessary to maintain its effects over time. By incorporating gentle exfoliation into your daily routine, such as chemical exfoliants or enzyme-based products, you are removing dead skin cells and preventing the buildup that can dull your complexion, promoting the longevity of the rejuvenated and radiant results achieved through dermaplaning.

Other skincare necessities to maintain the benefits of dermaplaning include cleansing and moisturising your face twice daily and applying suncream with minimum SPF 30 to protect your skin from sun damage in the day.

Your skincare routine is just as important in the night as it is in the morning. So, before going to bed, apply a hydrating night cream or serum that promotes skin repair. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides, antioxidants, and vitamins to support the healing process.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?By consistently providing your skin with the necessary care, hydration, and protection, both in the morning and night, you’re extending the results achieved through dermaplaning.

5. Schedule Regular Dermaplaning Sessions

It goes without saying that, in order to maintain the effects of dermaplaning, it's best to schedule regular sessions according to your skincare professional's advice. The frequency may, however, vary depending on your skin type and specific skin goals.

As mentioned, dermaplaning provides a thorough exfoliation by removing dead skin cells and ‘peach fuzz’. Over time, dead skin cells can accumulate again, resulting in a dull complexion. But regular dermaplaning sessions help ensure that the skin remains consistently exfoliated, promoting a smoother and brighter appearance for a longer duration.

Learn all about our dermaplaning aftercare advice here. 

Dermaplaning Training Course 

If you’re interested in expanding your skill set as an aesthetic practitioner, we at You Can Clinic offer a dermaplaning training course, which, although only a half-day, provides you with hands-on experience in carrying out this procedure.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?

If you’re interested in our accredited dermaplaning course, or any of our other aesthetics training courses, be sure to get in touch with a member of our team today. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Are you interested in the cosmetic industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management and Dermaplaning Training Courses.

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.

Published on 10/07/2023

Updated on 27/02/2024

July 10, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How to Prepare for a Botox Appointment

How to Prepare for a Botox Appointment

If you have decided to start botox injections for the first time then you’re most probably feeling a little anxious about your first appointment. While it is completely normal to feel like this, there are a number of things you can do to prepare for your first botox appointment, to help ease your nerves and ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. 

Here are 5 ways to prepare for a botox appointment:

  1. Do thorough research before choosing a botox practitioner
  2. Schedule a consultation prior to the appointment
  3. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and blood-thinning medications
  4. Stay hydrated
  5. Prepare for side effects and downtime 

1. Do Thorough Research Before Choosing A Botox Practitioner

The initial step of preparation is to firstly carry out thorough research on the different practitioners available. Remember, botox injections are medical procedures, and should only be performed by trained aesthetic professionals with the necessary qualifications and experience. Make sure you check out a number of different botox practitioners, checking their website, testimonials, before and after pictures and qualifications/experience. 

While botox is completely safe when carried out correctly, it does come with its own risks. But by researching and selecting a reliable and qualified practitioner, you can have total peace of mind that you’re in safe hands, reducing the risk of complications, errors or adverse effects.

How to Prepare for a Botox AppointmentIf a qualified botox practitioner does run into any complications, they will have the knowledge and experience to address any issues quickly and effectively.

2. Schedule a Consultation Prior To The Appointment

Once you have selected your chosen practitioner, the next thing you need to do is arrange a consultation prior to the appointment. This consultation is an important part of your botox journey as it will give you an opportunity to discuss your botox goals, medical history and any worries you might have. 

The practitioner can look at factors such as skin condition, facial dynamics, and the presence of any underlying health issues to help determine whether botox is the right option for you. They will also talk through the whole botox process with you to ensure you fully understand what is involved, what to expect and tips for botox aftercare.

3. Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine & Blood-Thinning Medications

In terms of actual treatment prep, there are a number of things you should avoid consuming a few days to a week before your appointment. 

Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine for 48 hours before, as they can act as blood thinners, meaning they hinder the normal clotting process and may increase bruising in the affected areas. They also have vasodilatory properties, meaning they can expand blood vessels and increase blood flow, which again, can contribute to bruising.

Having alcohol and caffeine in your system may also make the procedure more uncomfortable and painful for you. This is because alcohol and caffeine can sometimes negatively influence the effectiveness of anaesthetic, resulting in increased feeling during the procedure.

Another thing to avoid for a few days before your botox appointment are blood thinning medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin or fish oil. This is because, just like alcohol and caffeine, they can potentially increase your risk of bleeding and bruising during and after the procedure. That said, always check with your doctor before making any changes to your medication schedule.

How to Prepare for a Botox Appointment
In some rare cases, the combination of ibuprofen and injections can result in more serious complications, such as hematoma formation (blood pooling under the skin) or increased bleeding at the area of injection, which is why staying clear of these types of medications is crucial prior to the appointment.

4. Stay Hydrated

One thing you certainly shouldn’t be avoiding in preparation for your botox appointment is water. This is because hydrated skin is typically much more receptive to injections and practitioners therefore find it easier to insert the needle smoothly, minimising discomfort during the treatment.

Hydration is also crucial if you want to maintain plump, resilient and overall more healthy skin. And what’s more, properly hydrated skin can also help to optimise the results of Botox injections and enhance its overall look, effectiveness and evenness. 

Other Benefits of Staying Hydrated For Your Skin:

There are numerous benefits of staying hydrated for both your skin and body alike, such as:

  • Maintained skin texture - Properly hydrated skin is much more likely to be softer and smoother than dehydrated skin, as hydration helps to replenish and maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier. This prevents rough, dry patches and flakiness.
  • Clearer complexion - Acne is much less common on well-hydrated skin. This is because water helps to flush out toxins and waste from the body, reducing the chance of having clogged pores and spots.
  • Increased skin elasticity - Dehydrated skin often lacks elasticity, making it more prone to wrinkles. Well-hydrated skin however helps preserve and increase the skin's elasticity, resulting in a more youthful and smooth appearance.
  • Improved overall bodily functions - Beyond skin health, ensuring you are sufficiently hydrated is essential for overall body function. Water regulates our body temperature, aids digestion, transports nutrients and lubricates joints, just to name a few. And so without adequate hydration, we would struggle to maintain optimal bodily functions.

5. Prepare for Side Effects and Downtime

The final step of preparation prior to your botox appointment is to ensure you are fully aware of any potential side effect and prepare for any possible downtime that comes with it. The most common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, redness and low to mild pain at the injection site.

Keep these in mind and schedule your appointment when you have some downtime afterwards, perhaps choose to have it on a Friday so you have the weekend off, for example. 

How to Prepare for a Botox Appointment

That being said, the downtime for botox is generally pretty minimal, and many individuals resume their regular activities immediately. 

It's important to follow any specific post-treatment instructions provided by your practitioner, such as staying out of direct sunlight, avoid certain facial treatments or avoid lying down for 4 hours following treatment. 

If you’re interested in our botulinum toxin training courses, or any of our other aesthetics training courses, be sure to get in touch with a member of our team today.

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Are you interested in training in the aesthetics industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.

June 20, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
5 Benefits Of Dermal Filler Injections

5 Benefits Of Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal filler injections are a highly popular aesthetic treatment and are primarily used to restore volume to the face.

As such, dermal fillers are a common anti-aging treatment in that they can help to stimulate collagen production and minimise wrinkles. 

If you’ve never received dermal filler injections and are interested in the treatment, you might be wondering what the benefits of them are.

Benefits of receiving dermal filler injections include, but are not limited to:

  1. Plumps lips 
  2. Minimises fine lines and wrinkles
  3. There’s minimal downtime required 
  4. Restores plumpness to your cheeks
  5. Minimises the appearance of scars 

1. Plumps Lips 

A large benefit of dermal filler injections is that they work effectively to plump thin lips.

The results of lip fillers can last from anywhere between 6 to 18 months, helping to provide a fuller look and even balance out naturally uneven lips.

Depending on the amount of filler you opt to have, dermal fillers can produce incredibly natural results.

If you have thin lips and would like to add some volume, then, dermal fillers could be the right choice for you.

At You Can Clinic, we offer a range of facial aesthetic courses, from dermaplaning to dermal fillers. Get in touch with a member of our team today.

Dermal fillersThe results of lip fillers can last from anywhere between 6 to 18 months, helping to provide a fuller look and even balance out naturally uneven lips.

2. Minimises Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Dermal filler injections also help to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

A variety of factors contribute to us developing fine lines and wrinkles.

In fact, ‘UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial ageing signs’, and when paired with a loss of elasticity over the years, it’s normal for wrinkles to form as we get older. 

Dermal fillers can help to provide a more youthful complexion by penetrating and plumping the underlying layers of skin.

As a result, wrinkles and fine lines become less visible and prominent, especially when you have top-ups on a regular basis.

3. There’s Minimal Downtime Required

Arguably one of the biggest benefits of dermal filler injections is that there’s minimal downtime required. 

Many aesthetic treatments, such as chemical peels require downtime, meaning you have to be mindful of when you receive these specific treatments.

Dermal filler injections, on the other hand, are minimally invasive. So, what is the recovery time for dermal fillers?

Dermal Fillers Recovery Time

Generally speaking, the recovery time for dermal fillers is 1 to 2 days, and the majority of people can return to normal activities immediately after receiving the treatment.

This means that you’ll not only be able to enjoy the immediate results, but you’ll also be able to carry on with your normal routine in no time at all.

That said, it’s important to discuss this with your aesthetic practitioner and always follow their aftercare advice for the best possible results. 

Woman reaping the benefits of dermal filler injections

Dermal fillers can help to provide a more youthful complexion by penetrating and plumping the underlying layers of skin.

4. Restores Plumpness To Your Cheeks

Another benefit of dermal filler injections is that they help to restore plumpness to your cheeks.

It’s natural to lose volume and for your cheeks to begin to sag over time as you age. This can cause the cheeks to look hollow as they lose their elasticity, contributing to you looking older.

Dermal fillers help to restore the volume in your face, helping to add plumpness to your cheeks.

In turn, dermal fillers help to provide you with a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

5. Minimises The Appearance Of Scars 

Last, but not least, a benefit of dermal filler injections is that they help to minimise the appearance of scars.

If you’re someone who struggles with acne and acne scars, dermal fillers work by filling in the crevices to provide the skin with a smoother texture.

In turn, this reduces the appearance of the scars, making for a more aesthetic and even skin texture.

Dermal filler aesthetic treatment

Dermal filler injections are minimally invasive and therefore require very little downtime.

Hopefully this article has given you a wider understanding of the benefits of dermal filler injections. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.

June 08, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
Dermaplaning Aftercare Advice

Dermaplaning Aftercare Advice

Dermaplaning is a popular exfoliation treatment that removes dead skin and vellus hair from the surface of the face, leaving a rejuvenated and glowy complexion.

However, it’s essential that you take care of your skin following your dermaplaning appointment to ensure you’re protecting your skin and so the results from your treatment aren’t diminished.

If you’ve never had dermaplaning before, you might not yet know how to take care of your skin following your appointment. 

It’s worth noting that no advice should replace the advice of your aesthetic practitioner, but there is a range of tips and tricks you can follow to ensure the results of your dermaplaning last as long as possible.

Some dermaplaning aftercare advice to follow includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Don’t skip the SPF
  2. Only use gentle skincare products 
  3. Avoid other skin treatments for two weeks
  4. Stick to the shade for a minimum of three days
  5. Avoid swimming in chlorine

1. Don’t Skip The SPF

The first piece of aftercare advice following a dermaplaning treatment is to prioritise applying SPF. 

While wearing SPF should already be a part of your daily routine, it’s especially important to apply sunscreen after dermaplaning.

This is true even on cloudy days, as your skin is more sensitive to the sun’s harmful rays following dermaplaning. 

As such, you will want to make sure that you’re wearing a broad-spectrum SPF that ‘protects the skin from both UVA and UVB rays’.

It’s important to opt for a minimum of 30 SPF or higher and ensure you’re applying it evenly throughout the day.

Dermaplaning aftercare

Dermaplaning is a popular exfoliation treatment that removes dead skin and vellus hair from the surface of the face, leaving a rejuvenated and glowy complexion.

2. Only Use Gentle Skincare Products

For the first two days following your dermaplaning treatment, you should only use gentle skincare products.

You will need to make sure you’re avoiding harsh skincare products, from abrasive exfoliators to retinoids, as these products can irritate your skin.

Instead, you should opt for gentle cleansers and a simple skincare routine that will support your skin barrier following treatment.

Additionally, a hydrating moisturiser and serum will help to restore moisture whilst nourishing and protecting your skin.

3. Avoid Other Skin Treatments For Two Weeks

Another important piece of dermaplaning advice is to avoid other skin treatments for at least two weeks.

From microdermabrasion to chemical peels, these facial treatments are designed to remove dead skin cells, making them unsuitable straight after your dermaplaning appointment when your skin is already sensitive. 

This is especially important to remember if you regularly receive aesthetic treatments or are planning on grouping your treatments together before going on holiday, for instance.

As such, you should be sure to carefully schedule your dermaplaning treatment to avoid missing out on any other treatments in this two-week time frame. 

Dermaplaning aftercare advice

Following dermaplaning, you will need to make sure you’re avoiding harsh skincare products, from abrasive exfoliators to retinoids, as these products can irritate your skin.

4. Stick To The Shade For A Minimum Of Three Days

While regularly applying SPF is essential, sticking to the shade after dermaplaning is equally as important.

Although it might be tempting to lay out and enjoy the sun, particularly if you’ve planned a trip following your aesthetic treatment, this is not advisable. 

Generally speaking, you should stay out of the sun and avoid direct sun exposure for a minimum of three days to ensure you’re protecting your skin. 

Additionally, you should wear a sunhat when you’re moving around to ensure that your face remains in the shade as much as possible. 

5. Avoid Swimming In Chlorine

Another piece of aftercare advice is to avoid swimming in chlorine for the first 24 hours following dermaplaning. 

This comes down to the fact that chlorinated water ‘can be drying to skin and lead to irritation’, making it too harsh for your skin after your dermaplaning treatment. 

So, if you’re a regular swimmer or are off on a summer holiday following your treatment, it’s important to bear this in mind. 

Woman after dermaplaning treatment

You should stay out of the sun and avoid direct sun exposure for a minimum of three days to ensure you’re protecting your skin.

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of how to take care of your skin following your dermaplaning treatment. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Need to buy some products? We have NeoStrata Prosystem Bionic Oxygen Recovery and Neostrata Skin Active Triple Firming Neck Cream available to order. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.
May 23, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
How Often Does Lip Filler Need Topping Up?

How Often Does Lip Filler Need Topping Up?

Lip filler remains one of the most popular aesthetic treatments in 2023.

If you’ve had lip filler recently or are curious about the treatment, then you might be wondering how often lip filler needs to be topped up.

In short, lip filler can be topped up ‘every six months’ to keep your lips looking full, and you will require future injections in order to maintain their desired, plump shape. 

Failing to top up your lip filler after 12 to 18 months will likely result in your lips returning to their original shape. 

Although there’s no magic solution to making your lip filler last longer, there are a variety of things that you can do to prevent your body from absorbing the filler more quickly and reducing your results.

These tips include, but are not limited to:

  1. Follow your aesthetic practitioner’s aftercare advice
  2. Research the different types of filler
  3. Maintain a healthy diet
  4. Reduce your stress levels
  5. Stay out of the sun

1. Follow Your Aesthetic Practitioner’s Aftercare Advice

The first tip for maintaining the results of your aesthetic treatment is to follow your aesthetic practitioner’s aftercare advice for lip filler.

This is important whether you’re just starting out your lip filler journey or are regularly receiving aesthetic treatments, as looking after them in the beginning and beyond sets you up for success.

Your aesthetic practitioner knows best, and nothing that you read or hear otherwise should override their advice following your lip filler treatment.

For the best results, then, you need to ensure that you’re following your aesthetic practitioner’s aftercare advice. 

How Often Does Lip Filler Need Topping Up?

In short, lip fillers can be topped up ‘every six months’ to keep them looking full, and you will require future injections in order to maintain their desired, plump shape. 

2. Research The Different Types Of Filler

Another important tip to bear in mind to maintain the results of lip filler is to research the different types of filler.

Many aesthetic clinics use a range of fillers that vary in terms of density, meaning some are thick and some are thin. 

While thinner lip fillers tend to have more natural results, thicker fillers can last longer.

If you notice that your filler is disappearing more quickly than you’d hoped, try talking to your aesthetic practitioner about a thicker lip filler.

3. Maintaining A Healthy Diet

A key way to keep your lip filler looking great is to maintain a healthy diet.

This comes down to the fact that consuming too much junk food can increase inflammation within the body, not to mention that you’ll struggle with weight management if you eat it too frequently. 

Ensuring that you’re always eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as receiving enough healthy fats and protein is key to maintaining a balanced diet.

It’s normal to indulge, but while it’s fine to treat yourself every now and again, following a healthy diet is essential to maintaining the results from your lip filler.

Aesthetic practitioner administering lip filler

Many aesthetic clinics use a range of fillers that vary in terms of density, meaning some are thick and some are thin. 

4. Reduce Your Stress Levels

While it’s easier said than done, reducing your stress levels can also help to maintain the results of your lip filler and keep them looking as aesthetic as possible for longer.

This comes down to the fact that high stress levels go hand in hand with high cortisol levels, which can result in your body breaking down your fillers at a faster rate.

Considering that research has shown ‘74% of people feel so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope’ in the UK, the need for people to find ways to manage their stress for their mental health is apparent, and this can be greatly beneficial for their filler, too. 

Ways to manage stress vary from person to person, as everyone is different. That said, meditation, getting enough sleep, and taking time to be present are all powerful methods for managing your stress levels.  

5. Stay Out Of The Sun

Last, but certainly not least, you should aim to stay out of the sun can help to prolong the results from lip fillers.

This is largely because too much exposure to UV rays can cause the lip filler to break down quickly, reducing your results as your body absorbs the filler at a quicker rate.

To prevent this from happening, it’s best to stick to shady areas, avoid the sun during the hottest hours of the day, and ensure you’re protecting your face with SPF every day.

How Often Does Lip Filler Need Topping Up?
Considering that research has shown ‘74% of people feel so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope’ in the UK, the need for people to find ways to manage their stress for their mental health is apparent, and this can be greatly beneficial for their filler, too. 


Hopefully this article has provided you with a better understanding of how often lip filler needs topping up, as well as how to make your results look better for longer.

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Need to buy some products? We have Stylage XL Lidocaine and Stylage XXL and Neostrata ProSystem Peel available to order. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.
May 10, 2023 — Jemima Thomas
what does a chemical peel do for your skin

What Does A Chemical Peel Do For Your Skin?

Updated on 23/04/2024


According to Statista, the chemical peel rejuvenation market is expected to grow to $3.1 billion by 2026. 

Chemical peels are becoming increasingly popular with younger and older generations alike, but what are chemical peels and what does a chemical peel do for your skin? 

What Are Chemical Peels?

In short, chemical peels are a cosmetic procedure that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin. 

Chemical peels aim ‘to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells’ to improve the appearance of many skin issues. 

Chemical skin peel benefits include reducing fine wrinkles, clearing uneven skin tones, reducing acne and improving acne scars. 

Chemical peel
In short, chemical peels are a cosmetic procedure that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin ‘to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells’. 

Different Types of Chemical Peels

There are various types of chemical peels with varying degrees of strength, depending on why you’re receiving the treatment. 

Superficial Chemical Peels

Superficial (also known as light) chemical peels are great for lightly exfoliating the skin, as this type of chemical peel is only designed to remove the epidermis (top layer of skin). Your skin will take anywhere from a day to a week to fully heal.

Common superficial chemical peel ingredients include alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, like lactic acid, glycolic acid, and maleic acid. 

Medium Chemical Peels

Medium chemical peels are slightly stronger than light chemical peels and involve removing the epidermis as well as the top layer of the dermis. Your skin will take anywhere from 7 to 14 days to heal when receiving this treatment.

Common medium chemical peel ingredients include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and glycolic acid (in deeper concentrations compared to light chemical peels). 

Deep Chemical Peels

Lastly, deep chemical peels are the strongest type of chemical peel and work to remove your epidermis as well as the upper and middle dermis layers.

Deep chemical peel ingredients include mixes of phenol and croton oil, as well as TCA concentrations above 50%. When it comes to this type of chemical peel, a local anaesthetic and sedative might be required to reduce any pain.

Additionally, as deep chemical peels are stronger, they involve more specific aftercare advice. It can take up to 14 days for the swelling following a deep chemical peel to reduce, but this can vary between individuals.

Poorly delivered deep skin peels can lead to scarring, infections, or burns, so they should only be carried out by qualified practitioners

Chemical peels

Deep chemical peels are the strongest type of chemical peel and work to remove your epidermis as well as the upper and middle dermis layers. As they're so strong, a local anaesthetic and sedative might be required to reduce any pain.

Chemical Skin Peel Benefits

Chemical skin peel benefits include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reducing acne scars
  2. Clearing hyperpigmentation
  3. Improving ageing skin
  4. Brightening dull skin 

1. Acne Scars

The first skin issue a chemical peel can help with is reducing the appearance of acne scars. 

Considering that ‘over a third (34%) of UK adults have suffered from acne at some point in their life’, acne scars are a common problem many people experience in their lives. 

Acne scars occur when the skin works to create new collagen fibres to repair the lesions created by the skin condition. 

Light and medium chemical peels can help to improve the appearance of acne scars by exfoliating the top layer of skin, leaving a smooth, rejuvenated layer of skin. 

2. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation leads patches of skin to become darker than the skin surrounding it. This happens when the skin creates excess melanin, the pigment which gives skin its colour. 

In addition to acne scars, chemical skin peel benefits include clearing forms of hyperpigmentation. For instance, chemical peels can help to improve everything from sun damage to freckles to melasma.

A chemical peel thus helps to even out both skin tone and texture, allowing you to feel confident with and without makeup. 

If you’re struggling with a form of hyperpigmentation, a chemical peel applied by a qualified aesthetic practitioner might be a suitable solution for you. 

3. Ageing Skin

Chemical skin peel benefits also include reducing fine wrinkles and the appearance of ageing skin. 

From age spots to fine lines and wrinkles, it’s expected and natural for our skin to become more weathered as we age. 

Chemical peels not only minimise the signs of ageing but also ‘stimulate new epidermal growth and collagen’, providing you with a more youthful and aesthetic look. 

That said, as they’re not recommended for deep wrinkles, chemical peels are better used as a preventative measure for fine lines and wrinkles.

4. Dull Skin 

Lastly, as well as treatments such as dermaplaning, chemical peels can significantly help if you have dull skin.  

Dull skin can be caused by a variety of things, from lifestyle choices to dead skin cell buildup to dehydration.

A light chemical peel works to remove the epidermis, and in doing so, reveals healthy-looking skin in its place. This gives you the glowy and rejuvenated complexion you’re looking for. 

Whatever the reason you’re seeking a chemical peel, you must research and choose an established aesthetic clinic before getting this treatment.

Chemical peel benefits

Chemical peels not only minimise the signs of ageing but also ‘stimulate new epidermal growth and collagen’, providing you with a more youthful and aesthetic look. 

We hope that this article has given you a greater understanding of chemical skin peel benefits and answered what does a chemical peel do for your skin.

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures.  

Do you see yourself in the aesthetics industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.

April 24, 2023 — Aled Nelmes
Are Dermal Fillers And Botox The Same?

Are Dermal Fillers And Botox The Same?

Dermal fillers and botox are often used interchangeably as terms, as they are both a type of injectable treatment administered with a needle.

Contrary to popular belief, the short answer to this question is no, dermal fillers and botox are not the same.

This comes down to the fact that they’re not only different treatments that require different products, but they also require different techniques in spite of them both being administered by a needle.

The primary difference between these two treatments is that while dermal fillers simply fill in the wrinkles, botox is used to reduce fine lines as well as wrinkles through the process of paralysing the muscles that lie underneath.

Another key difference between the two is that the results from dermal fillers typically last longer than the results of botox. That said, this can vary depending on the type of filler that is administered during the treatment. 

Dermal fillers being injected

Contrary to popular belief, dermal fillers and botox are not the same.

Dermal fillers are used for a variety of different treatments. These treatments include, but are not limited to:

  1. Facial filler 
  2. Lip filler
  3. Non-surgical face-lift
  4. Non-surgical rhinoplasty 

1. Facial Filler 

One of the most common treatments is facial filler for fine lines and wrinkles. 

When it comes to filling in lines, such as smile lines, the dermal filler is designed to add volume and plumpness to the creases around the mouth, thus reducing their appearance. 

Facial fillers are not permanent, typically only lasting 6 to 18 months.

That said, despite being temporary they not only help to rejuvenate the skin, but can also provide you with a more youthful appearance and complexion. 

2. Lip Filler 

Arguably the most common injectable treatment in the aesthetic industry is currently lip filler.

The fact that established aesthetic clinics have experienced a ‘30% increase in requests for lip fillers’ is a testament to how popular lip fillers have become over the years.

The treatment involves injecting dermal fillers into the lip in order to both plump and alter the shape, helping to accentuate the patient’s natural beauty.

Generally speaking, lip fillers tend to last between 6 and 18 months and tend to be administered over the course of a few treatments.

Doing this helps to prevent the lips from becoming over-plumped, promoting a more natural-looking result. 

Dermal filler

The fact that established aesthetic clinics have experienced a ‘30% increase in requests for lip fillers’ is a testament to how popular lip fillers have become over the years.

3. Non-Surgical Face-Lift 

Another aesthetic treatment is a non-surgical face-lift, which is achieved through a combination of filler treatments with the goal to lift your face.

As we age, it’s natural for our face to begin to sag and lose definition as our skin naturally begins to lose volume, resulting in an older appearance. 

A non-surgical face-lift involves expertly injecting dermal filler in a variety of places, such as the cheeks, lower face, and under the eyes to restore volume. 

As such, this combination of dermal filler treatments helps to transform the face and provide the patient with a more refreshed and youthful look. 

The results of a non-surgical face-lift tend to last from anywhere between 12 to 18 months and up to as long as 2 years.

4. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Last, but not least, a popular aesthetic treatment is a non-surgical rhinoplasty, which is a non-invasive nose job carried out with dermal filler. 

Also known as a liquid rhinoplasty, the aim of a non-surgical rhinoplasty is to immediately yet temporarily change the shape of the patient’s nose by injecting it with dermal filler. 

When compared to a traditional rhinoplasty, the procedure entails significantly less swelling and recovery, meaning that there is virtually no downtime required afterwards.

That said, in most cases, the ‘results [from a non-surgical rhinoplasty] last for 6 months or less’.

As such, this is a great yet short-term solution for those who don’t wish to go under the knife for a traditional rhinoplasty.

Dermal filler treatment

A non-surgical face-lift involves expertly injecting dermal filler in a variety of places, such as the cheeks, lower face, and under the eyes to restore volume. 

Regardless of which treatment you opt for, it’s essential that you research both dermal fillers and botox and find a reputable and established aesthetic clinic before going ahead with any procedure. 

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the difference between dermal fillers and botox, as well as some of the treatments carried out with dermal filler. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.
April 13, 2023 — Jemima Thomas